Ecos Festival | CONCERT – CANTORÍA – Saturday, 23th of August
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Friday, 23th of August

San Francisco Convent Courtyard
Location: Mula
Hour: 9:00 pm

Cantoría is a young vocal quartet specialised in the interpretation of vocal polyphony from the Iberian Renaissance. Freshness, youth and proximity have become distinctive features of the interpretations of this group, which is beginning to build a notable national and international career.

Born at the Escuela Superior de Música de Catalunya-ESMUC (Barcelona), Cantoria took shape at the ECOS International Festival of Early Music in Sierra Espuña (Murcia) during the summer of 2016. They were selected in EEEmerging+ (2018), a European program of cooperation for the promotion of emerging ensembles, where they won the Audience Prize at the Ambronay Festival and were chosen to continue in the project for three more years (2018-2021). They have also enriched their experience by participating in the artistic residencies of the International Young Artists Presentation of Antwerp (2017), the Cité de la Voix de Vézelay (2018), Ghislierimusica de Pavia (2019), Händel-Festspiele de Göttingen (2019), National Forum of Music de Wroclaw (2020) or the National Center of Early Music in York (2021) as well as in projects such as MusaE (2018 and 2019), the FestClásica circuit (2019), Joventuts Musicals de Catalunya (2020), which has led them to perform at the Barcelona Auditorium, at the Torroella de Montgri Festival or at the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona. His performances at festivals such as MA Brugge, AMUZ in Antwerp, A Cappella Festival in Leipzig, Vía Aeterna del Mont Saint-Michael, Monteverdi Festival in Cremona represent a line of continuity with respect to his previous presentations in other prominent institutions such as the Museo del Prado in Madrid, the National Library of Spain or Library of Catalonia.

Cantoría collaborates with institutions such as the Higher Council for Scientific Research, the University of Murcia, the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya or the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona for the dissemination and recovery of the Iberian polyphonic repertoire.


In 2022 they published their first CD, dedicated to Mateo Flecha’s Salads, which garnered such important critical awards as the “Diapasón Dècouverte” label, the “Melómano de Oro” award or the “Preis del Schallplattenkritik”.


Currently, Cantoría has the support of Acción Cultural Española, the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), the Agency and the Institute of Cultural Industries and the Arts of Murcia (ICA).


nés Alonso | soprano

Marta Redaelli | soprano

Oriol Guimerà | alto

Gerson Coelho | tenor

Jorge Losana | tenor and director

Víctor Cruz | bass


Pablo Albarracín | violin

Andrés Murillo | violin

Pablo Fitzgerald | thiorbo

Joan Seguí | harpsichord

PROGRAMME: “SOSPIRI” - Claudio Monteverdi (1567 - 1643)

Hor che’l ciel e la terra

Ottavo Libro dei Madrigali (1638)


Marco Uccellini (1603/10-1680)

Aria Sopra La Bergamasca


Augellin che la voce al canto spieghi

Nono Libro dei Madrigali, Madrigali e canzonette a due e tre voci

(Venezia, 1651, op. post)


Quel augellin che canta

Libro quarto dei madrigali (Venezia, 1603)


Tarquino Merula (1596-1665)



Si dolce il tormento

Nono Libro dei Madrigali, Madrigali e canzonette a due e tre voci

(Venezia, 1651, op. post)


Sfogava con le stelle

Libro quarto dei madrigali (Venezia, 1603)



Altri canti d’Amor, tenero arciero

Ottavo Libro dei Madrigali (1638)


Andrea Falconieri (1586-1656)

Folias echa para mi Señora Doña Tarolilla de Carallenas

Il primo libro di Canzone, Sinfonie, Fantasie…


O come sei gentile

Libro settimo dei madrigali


Il Ballo – Movete al mio bel suon

Ottavo Libro dei Madrigali

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